Saturday, July 26, 2008

Monday mornings could start at nine and I would still be late.
But on Sunday at 6am I'm up and running around like a kid on Christmas day. Its because monday is just another day in the trenchs, while sunday is play day and we aint going to waste a goddam minute of it.
While making coffee the gear check list is going over in my head........helmet, googles, jersey, jacket (its cold and raining going to need it), dont forget my boots there over by the bike workbench. Saying to myself "I know the bike is fine" having already checked it over and done all my pre ride checks. Still I always feel like I forgot to do something.

Driving down the road and my mind is buzzing with ride anticipation. (or to much coffee) Just a couple of stops on the way. First pick up my long time riding buddy Mike and all his gear. Hes a great mate but couldnt organise a party in a pub. After double checking we have everything he needs, we head to gas station for fuel, for us and the bikes.
A little more than an hour later sees us unloading the bikes and gearing up - dddaam its cold!
After sign in, heading to the trails is easy, they are named and well marked.
It may be cold but I am pumped, there is bikes and people everywhere. Trail riding has become a great family outing.
Mike and I choose a 40km loop to warm up on. The terrain is mostly pumice based, plenty of traction, no matter the conditions. But the first ten minutes of riding like a nana, cause my fingers wont work properly, sees me stopping to get some circulation back.

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