Thursday, May 20, 2010

An Adventure Underway

Quite has a lot has happened since I last wrote in this blog. I find I have to be somewhat in the mood to do updates. The past 8 months have been alot of things least of all relaxing.

Late October 2009 saw me and a friend - Mike - heading off to Aussie for a couple of weeks for some back road riding from Brisbane to Melbourne.

Ok lets get upto date with my current adventure.... Busan Korea to Paris France, riding across Russia and Europe. It all started 2 years ago with a question from J'ean (John) - south African - "Do you want ro ride across Russia?"

May 16 2010, Sunday 6.40pm, saw us farewelling friends and family at the Napier airport. We are flying to Korea to collect our bikes, which we had crated and sent a month earlier.

Our flight has a stop over in Singapore for 2 hours. For most travellers this is a chance to stretch the legs, get a real coffee, read a magazine...... not us!!...Nooo! We or should I say J'ean has arranged to meet a guy to buy a charger for his helmet cam. Being in a transit lounge you are not supposed to leave this area. J'ean manages to con the immigration officer, got out, meet the guy and got his charger, jumped a 200 meter long cue of departing passengers at immigration and got back to the transit lounge with time to spare - only J'ean! We made to Korea with no further excitement.

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